Corporate password management that is actually effective
November 30, 2020 / Knowledge

Corporate password management that is actually effective

Among the ten most expensive data breaches of a decade, there were a few corporations that experienced as many as $100 million, $500 million, and even $4 billion worth of losses.

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, cybersecurity specialists have noticed an alarming 400% increase in the number of cyberattacks. Most of them were targeted to medium and large size businesses and corporations.

According to the newest U.S. Chamber Report, the best two preventive methods recommended for corporations are a reliable corporate password management system and comprehensive employee training.

Let’s discuss them.

How can a password manager help to prevent a data breach?

7 out of 10 employees reuse passwords at work. It means that it takes only a single breached password and the hacker suddenly has access to all employee’s accounts.

Additionally, the Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report drew an inevitable conclusion – weak, stolen, and reused passwords are responsible for 81% of company data breaches.

Fortunately, a corporate password management tool does not only ensure the uninterrupted safety of your data but also has features that help your employees build long-lasting, correct password habits easily.

Effective corporate password management: personnel and tools

As you now know, efficient corporate password management requires both – the employees with good password habits and the tool that provides means for building them.

Luckily, PassCamp, a corporate password manager, is here for you. Being featured as one of the key cybersecurity innovations, PassCamp is the tool that can help you solve most of your corporate password problems.

A tool that protects

In the age of increasing data breaches each day, the password manager is built using leading technologies that actually protect your sensitive data.

In PassCamp, each item (a PIN code, login credentials, Wi-Fi password, etc.) is encrypted and stored uniquely as a separate vault. This ensures that you can share your items securely one by one, and you will never lose sync among all devices and all users.

Also, with a centralized blockchain-based History Log feature, the owner of the password can always see each new share and modification applied to his data.

Employee training

Whether your employees work in the office or from home, cybersecurity training is essential for your long-term business strength during the global crisis.

Effective corporate password management requires your employees to follow some widely recommended cyber literacy practices:

For more recommendations, read the Assessment of Business Cyber Risk report.

With PassCamp, building habits is easy

With the right corporate password management tool, following recommendations becomes an intuitive process.

In PassCamp, a secure password generator, two-factor authentication, and secure password sharing features are already built-in. Also, a unique cloud-based vault approach ensures all your data is synced in real-time, whenever your employees need it.

With perfected UX/UI, a quick onboarding process, and a low learning curve, PassCamp is the tool to go for.

Whether you need an integrated to your infrastructure solution, a hosted on a private cloud one, or a cloud-based alternative – visit our B2B offerings section and schedule a demo with us.