How to Prevent Password Mismanagement Among Remote Employees
November 15, 2022 / Knowledge

How to Prevent Password Mismanagement Among Remote Employees

Today’s workforce is more mobile than ever. The digital age has enabled employees to work from anywhere, which leads to increased flexibility and accessibility for organizations and employees.

In fact, remote workers are now the norm for many companies — not the exception. However, being location independent comes with its own unique set of challenges.

When you can’t keep an eye on employees as easily as you would if they were in the office next door, how do you ensure they practice proper security?

To remain productive while working remotely, most employees need access to company resources such as email, databases, and intranet sites, among other things.

Because these resources require a username and password to gain entry, there needs to be a way for employees to access them without sacrificing security.

So, how can you prevent password mismanagement among remote employees?

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What is password mismanagement, and why is it such a problem?

Password mismanagement happens when employees create weak passwords and don’t keep track of them, making it easier for malicious actors to access critical information.

Password mismanagement is a growing problem because it’s easy to overlook security in a fast-paced environment. For example, HR might assign a random password that doesn’t adhere to security standards. Or a new hire could be given the same password as the CEO.

In any case, employees are less likely to remember different passwords for each account, which is why many people use the same password for everything.

How does password mismanagement happen?

Weak passwords can happen as a result of a few different factors.

For example, someone might be so overwhelmed by the number of passwords they need to remember that they just settle for something easy to remember, like their birthday.

Or perhaps an employee has a list of passwords written down on a piece of paper, which anyone could see if they got a hold of.

How to prevent password mismanagement with remote tools

Password management tools can help companies prevent password mismanagement by enforcing security standards and storing user credentials in one central location.

With password management software, employees can create unique, strong passwords and automatically log in to company resources with a single click.

With these solutions, companies can control the level of granularity when setting password guidelines. For example, an organization may require that passwords contain special characters, be at least 12 characters long, and contain a combination of letters and numbers.

Pick the right tools for prevention

Password mismanagement can be prevented with the right tools.

Employees who are required to maintain the security of their accounts can benefit from password management software that generates secure passwords and logs them in with a single click.

With employees accessing company resources from wherever they are, it is more important than ever to prioritize security. Password mismanagement can lead to sensitive data breaches, reduced productivity, and lost revenue.

With the right tools, companies can mitigate the risk of these password mismanagement issues.