Rainbow Tables: What They Are & How They Work
February 13, 2023 / Knowledge

Rainbow Tables: What They Are & How They Work

A rainbow table is a database of pre-calculated hashes of commonly used passwords. These hashes are generated using a variety of algorithms, including MD5, SHA1, and SHA2.

The idea behind a rainbow table is to make it easier for an attacker to crack passwords by providing them with a list of pre-calculated hashes.

Rainbow tables are typically created by running a program called an “algorithm” over a large data set of passwords. This algorithm is designed to generate a unique hash for each password. The generated hashes are then stored in a database, which is known as a rainbow table.

Although rainbow tables can be used to crack passwords, they are not foolproof. In some cases, an attacker may not be able to crack a password using a rainbow table, and they may need to resort to other methods.

How Does a Rainbow Table Work?

A rainbow table works by comparing the hashes in the rainbow table with the hashes of the passwords the attacker is trying to crack. If the hashes match, the attacker can then determine the plain-text version of the password.

Rainbow tables are typically used in combination with a password-cracking tool such as John the Ripper. The attacker will generate a list of hashes of the passwords they are trying to crack, and then compare them against the hashes in the rainbow table. If the hashes match, the attacker can then determine the plain-text version of the password.

Rainbow tables can also be used to generate passwords from a given hash. This is known as a “reverse lookup”. By using a reverse lookup, the attacker can determine the plain-text version of a given hash without having to guess the actual password.

Types of Rainbow Tables

There are several different types of rainbow tables.

The most common type of rainbow table is a “plaintext” rainbow table. This type of table contains pre-calculated hashes of commonly used passwords.

Another type of rainbow table is called a “salted” rainbow table. This type of table contains pre-calculated hashes of passwords that are combined with a “salt”. Salt is a random string of characters that is added to a password to make it more difficult to crack.

Finally, there are “hybrid” rainbow tables. These tables contain a combination of plaintext and salted hashes. Hybrid rainbow tables are more difficult to crack than plaintext or salted rainbow tables.

How to Protect Against a Rainbow Tables

The best way to protect against a rainbow table attack is to use strong passwords. Passwords should be long (at least 8 characters), unique, and difficult to guess.

Additionally, it is important to use a different password for each account. This will reduce the chances of an attacker being able to use a single password to gain access to multiple accounts.

It is also important to use a password management tool such as PassCamp. These tools will generate secure passwords for you, as well as store and encrypt them. This will make it much more difficult for an attacker to use a rainbow table to crack your passwords.

Finally, it is important to use two-factor authentication whenever possible. This will add an extra layer of security to your system, and make it much harder for an attacker to gain access.

Examples of Rainbow Table Attacks

Rainbow table attacks are becoming increasingly common. In one example, an attacker used a rainbow table to crack a password-protected file. The attacker was able to gain access to the file and steal sensitive information.

In another example, an attacker used a rainbow table to gain access to a bank account. The attacker was able to gain access to the account by using a rainbow table to crack the customer’s password.

Finally, an attacker used a rainbow table to gain access to a corporate network. The attacker was able to gain access to the network by using a rainbow table to crack the administrator’s password.


Rainbow tables are a powerful tool for attackers, and it is important to understand how they work and how to protect yourself from a rainbow table attack.

Rainbow tables are a collection of pre-computed hashes of commonly used passwords, and they can be used to quickly and easily crack passwords.

It is important to use strong passwords and two-factor authentication to protect against a rainbow table attack.

Additionally, there are several tools and resources available for generating rainbow tables, and it is important to understand how to use them. By understanding what a rainbow table is and how it works, you can better protect yourself from these attacks.

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