Ready for an upgrade? Check this Avast alternative.
April 28, 2022 / Comparison

Ready for an upgrade? Check this Avast alternative.

In 2020, Avast discontinued its password manager named Avast Passwords. All the current free and paid users can continue using the tool if it is already installed on the user’s device. However, all new Avast Password subscriptions are closed.

Although Avast allows its users to continue using the account, new issues emerge. For reinstalling the software, users need to contact support. As the development of the tool stopped, more and more technical problems and safety concerns arose.

Use this moment to upgrade your password management and switch to an attractive Avast alternative – PassCamp.

PassCamp – an effective Avast alternative

PassCamp is a strong player in the world of password managers. Even the leading figures such as Google recognized it as the tool that prioritizes ultimate security and smooth teamwork. This immediately differentiates PassCamp from Avast.

Avast Passwords was developed by the antivirus and secure browsing-focused company Avast. Yet, over the past two years, Avast was found to collect users’ data and sell it to a third party. Many experts expressed their dissatisfaction and informed the users to use the products at their own risk.

The Avast password management tool stores sensitive data in a vault protected with military-grade encryption, autosave, and auto-fill it. Yet, Avast Passwords was never as feature-rich as their main competitors, PassCamp included.

What makes PassCamp an effective Avast alternative? How is the tool different from Avast passwords?

PassCamp provides heightened security, with Two-factor authentication included.

PassCamp is reasonably the best Avast alternative due to its well-executed security features. First, similar to Avast, PassCamp offers military-grade encryption to protect data in the vault.

Then, it uses the Zero-knowledge protocol to ensure that only you can access your credentials. (This means even PassCamp developers cannot see, access, or reveal your data).

Last, PassCamp supports Two-factor authentication, a game-changing security feature. This Avast alternative ensures that nobody can access your data (even if the hacker guessed your login details).

PassCamp allows sharing passwords safely.

Sharing passwords is an everyday task in the corporate world. The efficient password manager allows sending login details safely. That is, you do not need to risk sensitive information of clients, business partners, and contractors.

With Avast Passwords, users could not share such login details because the feature did not exist.

Therefore, PassCamp is an attractive Avast alternative because it provides sharing options with individual users and the team. It fully replaces insecure password sharing practices (sending plaintext data via chats, text messages, etc.)

a man sitting in a cafe and searching for avast alternative

How can you migrate from Avast Passwords to PassCamp?

If you have decided to switch to PassCamp, follow these guidelines.

Export data from Avast Passwords

  1. Open Avast Antivirus.
  2. On the left side, select Privacy.
  3. Choose Passwords.
  4. The tool might ask you to enter your Master Password to unlock your data. Press Unlock.
  5. At the top right corner, select Settings.
  6. Press the button Import / Export data.
  7. At the bottom, press Export to File.
  8. Choose a location and name to save your CSV file.

Import data to PassCamp

  1. Open your PassCamp account.
  2. Select the dropdown menu at the top left corner (next to your name).
  3. Press Import / Export items.
  4. Inside Step 1, select Other

  1. Upload the CSV file with passwords from Avast.
  2. Preview all the passwords that you are importing to PassCamp. If you see discrepancies, you can deselect the items you want to add later.
  3. After the import is completed, do not forget to delete the CSV file to protect your passwords.

Try out reasonably the best Avast alternative. Start protecting your sensitive data at the highest level.

Switch to PassCamp today.