Share passwords securely outside your company
May 15, 2020 / Knowledge

Share passwords securely outside your company

Simple human mistakes happen – sending email to an unintended recipient, accidentally forwarding it to a wrong person, or attaching a password of another client. Worst part? No undo button to fix it once the email is sent.

You can’t build your company’s security and reputation on blind trust.

Employees do make mistakes and hackers do steal credentials and sensitive data from unprotected emails. This trust can be extremely costly.

It’s always wise to choose a sustainable strategy and share data outside your organization without risking your business image.

Let’s figure out how.

When do you really need to share passwords securely?

In short, always.

The way you manage sensitive data can strongly influence your business image. Especially when you need to share passwords securely with clients, contractors and business partners. Let’s look into each case.


You need to share system logins with a client based in Singapore. You’re currently working on the project but it’s not finished yet. You need a risk-free way to share passwords with him so he can see the progress, but can’t escape with the data that at the moment belongs to you.


You’ve just signed a contract with a remote company that will provide you data analysis service. The sensitive data is yours, but they need access to do the job. The question of safe password sharing becomes crucially important to your own company’s security.

Business partner

Tricky situation – you need to ensure your partner’s identity stays confidential. You can’t risk sending his data via email. You can’t simply add him to your team where every employee sees him. You need a way to assign only specific people from your team to collaborate with your partner and, thus, share passwords securely without risking his data and privacy.

Found yourself in one of the above?

We have a win-win solution for you.

Password manager with the Guest feature

In PassCamp password manager, the Guest feature lets you share passwords securely outside your company with people you’re temporarily working with.

Best part? You can add an unlimited number of guests to your team. Because why pay for those you don’t work full-time with? We’re sure you have other ideas where to spend that money.

How to start secure sharing?

Invite your partners, contractors or clients to create their free PassCamp Personal accounts and simply add them to your team as guests.

Assign people from your team who will collaborate with the guest. For example, you can assign only project managers.

If you see the guest becomes a heavy user, feel free to upgrade him to your regular team member.

Pro tip. If the guest decides to re-share your password or modify it in any way, you’ll still maintain full control over it. With the History Log , that comes together with PassCamp, keep track of each change made to your passwords.

Try out PassCamp, a password manager for teams, and share passwords securely outside your company without risking your business image, clients’ sensitive data and privacy.