Too many passwords? Here’s what you can do.
September 20, 2022 / Knowledge

Too many passwords? Here’s what you can do.

Do you feel that you have too many passwords? Is it difficult to remember and manage all of them?

You are not alone.

One person, on average, has around 100 passwords. Since limited human memory restricts us from remembering all of them, managing passwords becomes challenging.

So, is there anything you can do about it?

the man working in a busy cafe, the concept of having too many passwords

What risks does password overload create?

People can easily remember only a few unique passwords. Therefore, as the number of password-protected accounts increases, the memory capacity weakens.

And that is the point when people make the most password-related mistakes.

Usually, when people have too many passwords, they search for convenient (but risky) methods to store and find them.

Therefore, every second person keeps some of their passwords in memory.

At least 26% of people store them in spreadsheets, written in plaintext.

Others – write passwords down on sticky notes, or find alternative ways to manage them.

In the end, people tend to have only a few unique passwords. They reuse them on the majority of accounts.

And these practices can be critical for data cybersecurity. They significantly increase the chances of successful cyber attacks.

Having too many passwords is, in fact, a good practice.

Contrary to popular belief, too many passwords are a good cyber security practice.

If a person cannot remember all his passwords, that means he:

  • has strong passwords,
  • does not reuse them,
  • does not create easily guessable passwords.

And that also means the person does not need to remember each of them. Here’s why.

Treat passwords like you treat your keys.

Passwords are like a bunch of keys. Each key has a unique pattern.

You do not use the same key for many doors. Similarly, you do not use a bicycle lock to lock your home doors.

You keep your keys safely in one place. You do not need to remember the precise key pattern to use it.

Ideally, passwords should work similarly.

Like keys, you do not need to remember your passwords symbol by symbol. You just need to manage them safely and use the right password to unlock the desired account.

How can you do it?

Personal devices that people use at work

How do I manage too many passwords?

There is nothing wrong with having too many passwords. In fact, it is better to have too many passwords than to have a few same ones.

Easiest (and safest) option to manage all these passwords is to use a password manager.

Such a password management tool as PassCamp serves like a bunch of keys. The password manager safely stores your passwords in an encrypted vault.

When you create a new website account, the tool automatically saves your login information (key pattern). The next time you visit it, PassCamp fills in your login details (unlocks doors with the right key).

In the end, there is no need to remember your passwords at all. To access your account, you only need to remember one Master Password.

Forget the struggle of having (and managing) too many passwords. A reliable password manager is the best currently existing tool for managing your passwords.

Try PassCamp for free and feel the difference.