Working remotely? Features to look for in password managers
May 18, 2020 / Knowledge

Working remotely? Features to look for in password managers

Leaked credentials that allegedly belong to the global healthcare leaders – World Health Organization, National Institute of Health and the Gates Foundation – elevated some serious cybersecurity concerns. Nonetheless, WHO admitted migrating to more sustainable cybersecurity practises at the moment.

Similarly, increasing numbers of cyber attacks pose a real risk to remotely working people who often have no choice, but to start using security focused tools such as password managers.

If you need one ASAP but you feel frustrated with picking one from dozens out there, we’re here with a checklist of password manager features you don’t want to miss when working remotely.

Protected storage

Passwords are leaked when people (deliberately) store them in Excel or Google sheets, and send them via emails and chats.

To avoid that, consider only encrypted password managers that protect your data with end-to-end encryption, safe authentication (including 2FA) and Zero Knowledge proof.

Access from anywhere

When you work remotely, you can never be sure when your office becomes a co-working space, a lake house or a bench at a park. You’ll need your passwords then and there too.

Cloud based password managers allow you to keep your data with you, wherever you work, synced and instantly ready to use.

Autofill and autosave

Do you find yourself among those who actually work way longer than before a lockdown? And even if you don’t, you feel you lack that extra time in the day to do the things you’d like?

Then you surely need some time-saving features such as autofill and autosave.

Forget manually searching for those ‘I’ve seen it somewhere’ passwords. Each time you visit a website, within a few clicks you’ll have a password saved or filled in there for you.

Secure sharing

Remote work requires some shortcuts when it comes to collaboration with your team, business partners and clients. Email chatting takes quite some valuable time, not to mention dangers of sending passwords there.

Instead, look for password managers with secure password sharing features, so you can kill two birds with one stone – save that precious time and share sensitive data securely.

What other features in password managers you should consider?

Here are some non-mandatory features of password managers. If you have them, they can significantly improve your work efficiency and relieve some headaches along the way:

  • Tags– to navigate among bunches of data easily and find a password you need in seconds.
  • Guests– to add unlimited number of temporary members to your team, so you can share passwords in a risk-free way.
  • History log – to get instant updates on all passwords that belong to you if someone makes any edits/shares.

You’d like such a password manager handed to you on a plate straight away? Once again, it seems that you came exactly where you needed to!

Try out PassCamp – a secure password manager – that fulfills every remote worker’s needs. All the above included (even the non-mandatory ones).